Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


The Sanctuary Choir, rehearsing weekly on Wednesday evenings in the choir room, and singing weekly in Sunday morning worship, is Northside Drive's primary choral group. This is a volunteer group of male and female singers who love making a contribution through music.

Song is the common voice of praise in the Christian church. While the Sanctuary Choir sings anthems in worship on behalf of the congregation, its major role is to enable the great choir—the congregation—to lift up its voice in praise of God. We invite you to join us in this ministry as we pursue the call in Psalm 150 "To make a joyful noise unto the Lord." You will not only be sharing your talent, but also enjoying the fellowship and care of this community as you grow both in your faith and musical experience. If you have had choral experience in your past or simply have the desire to participate in this ministry, we will help you gain the skills to excel. Come join us!  

Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays (September through May) at 7:00 PM in the Undercroft Choir Room.

Rev. Len Willingham

Event Coordinator Rev. Len Willingham

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