Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalism is a recent term.
At least it was for me. The concept, however, has been around for a long time. I remember as a young person in church hearing people make the case that our founding fathers were guided by their faith and established our country on ‘Judeo-Christian’ principles. I remember church services around July 4th that felt more patriotic than Christian. For many, this was just part of the story of the church in America.
The separation of church and state is fundamental to both the church and our country. Religious liberty and the freedom of every individual to find their own way to faith is a core belief for Baptists.
Northside Drive Baptist Church has been a longtime supporter of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. This summer we are exploring this topic in depth. The culmination of our exploration is hearing from Amanda Tyler, the executive director of the BJC, on Sunday, September 8 at 4:00 PM.
As we prepare for this visit, we are offering an opportunity to watch and discuss a recent documentary called “God and Country.” This film tells the contemporary story of Christian Nationalism in American politics. The telling of this story is nonpartisan. Both Republicans and Democrats have their underlying political philosophies- neither our church or the film take issue with these. But when Christianity (its language and symbols) becomes coopted (by anyone) in order to undergird a political platform, the church in good conscience must speak forth.
You may either watch the film on your own (it is on Amazon Prime Video) or join us for a viewing this Sunday after church in the Fellowship Hall. A light lunch will be served as we watch the film.
The following Sunday, July 28, we will gather at 4:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall for a discussion of the film.
These are highly charged and divisive times, but we believe that we stand firm in the legacy of Baptist witness when we champion religious liberty.
Scott Hovey
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