Church-wide Lunch and Kiddos Discussion | June 9

Please plan to come to the Fellowship Hall on June 9 at 12:15 PM for lunch and a presentation by Lara Cornett, owner of Kiddos. Ms. Cornett has proposed that she expand her existing Kiddos operation so as to occupy significantly more NDBC space.
Specifically, she would like to convert our existing Fellowship Hall into classrooms and suggests that we convert our chapel into a Fellowship Hall and event space. She would propose to manage the event space for Tuesday-Saturday events. In addition, on the second floor of our Education building, she would like to collapse some interior walls and create a large co-work/library space for weekday use by NDBC members and Kiddos parents. She proposes a very significant increase to the $68,000 rent which she already pays us.
Clearly, there would be significant ripple effects—and a very meaningful co-investment from NDBC—should our congregation choose to rent more space to Kiddos. Please join us June 9 to hear directly from Ms. Cornett about her expansion dream. Following her presentation, we will excuse her and take time for a congregational conversation to be moderated by Kay Braswell.
Please RSVP to Susan Dew as soon as possible.
Susan Dew | | 404-550-4399
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