Communion During the Easter Season

Posted by Karen Massey on March 26, 2024

Easter is almost here and we will soon be able to leave behind the darkness of Lent and rejoice in the light of Christ’s resurrection. Easter Sunday is such a holy and joyful day in the life of the Church and in our own personal spiritual lives, so the Worship/Music Team is recommending that, in our worship, we intentionally find ways to continue celebrating the light and joy of Easter throughout the 50 days of the Easter season. We will do this by singing some new Easter hymns, reciting litanies and prayers with themes of new life, light, and hope, and following a new communion liturgy that emphasizes Christ’s resurrection more than Christ’s death.

During the 50 days of the Easter season, our congregation will celebrate communion on two occasions, April 7 and May 5. For these two communion observances only, the liturgy will change a bit from our normal practice. In place of the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei, we will sing two songs that are more joyful and celebratory. The words of institution will focus less on Christ’s broken body and shed blood, and more on God’s power over death. It is the hope of the Worship/Music Team that we not let the joy of Easter resurrection fade too soon.

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