Kiddos Expansion?

Twenty NDBC leaders (Staff, Trustees, Officers, and Committee Chairpersons) met May 14 to hear an engaging and provocative presentation from Lara Cornett, owner of Kiddos. Kiddos, of course, is the Early Childhood Learning Center occupying space in the first floor of our Education Building.
Kiddos is off to a great start; Lara’s program is fully subscribed and she has a waiting list. She has completed her first-floor renovations (at her expense), hired inspired teachers, paid her rent, and earned credibility with us. Those of us who have visited her classrooms are proud that NDBC has made our space available for such a worthy cause as a child-care program run by Lara Cornett.
At our May 14 meeting, Lara explained to us that she would like to expand her child-care offering, occupy more of our space, and pay us more rent.
Specifically, she has asked to re-purpose our first floor Fellowship Hall into Kiddos classrooms. She suggests that NDBC convert our current chapel to a new Fellowship Hall/Event Space/Reception Venue. And she would like to convert some of our 2nd floor space in the Education building to a co-work/library space for use (rent-free) to Kiddos parents and NDBC members.
Following her presentation, a free-flowing conversation—moderated by Kay-- ensued. How, some wondered, would the leasing of so much space to Kiddos impact NDBC’s ability to grow our membership? If we do not lease to Kiddos (and gain additional rent), what is the likelihood that we can attract new members who can help with our year-after-year budget shortfall? What financial investment would be required of NDBC to make the proposed renovations possible? What investment returns would be acceptable to us? What are NDBC long term prospects without a financial boost such as one we might gain from making our considerable facilities available to others?
There was palpable enthusiasm among our group for an enhanced Fellowship Hall in our beautiful chapel. In addition, there was a recognition that an expanded child-care program could serve many in our community and possibly provide cross-pollination opportunities with NDBC.
Many outstanding questions remain and require further study before those of us in the May 14 meeting felt that we could properly evaluate the proposal.
The twenty NDBC members in attendance voted in the majority to further explore the proposal put forth by Ms. Cornett. Ultimately, there will be a called Church-in-Conference to consider this matter if it has merit. Between now and then, further due diligence will be undertaken by both NDBC and Kiddos and additional input from NDBC members will be requested.
Be assured that every NDBC voice will be heard before this matter is decided.
Jordan Clark, Susan Dew, Don Janney
The NDBC/Kiddos Coordination Team
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Larry McSwain May 16, 2024
I think it is a great idea.
Jim Lester May 16, 2024
I am in full support of this plan.
Carolyn Herndon May 16, 2024
Why can't Kiddos use the undercroft and change the layout for their use? It has access to the outside play area.
Amy taylor May 16, 2024
I do Not want to spend the summer in the Sanctuary with 20 people in attendance. Some Sundays there are more choir members than congregation.
Mary Lester May 16, 2024
While I would miss summer worship in the chapel, I do think this might be too good an opportunity to pass up. Also, we must face the fact that our chapel is not used at all for most of the year.
Angie Moore May 21, 2024
I strongly object to making the chapel into the fellowship hall!! Are you planning to move the kitchen also? Why can’t the undercroft be used for Kiddos purposes ? There is ample unused space
Mary Ann Hickman May 24, 2024
No! No! No! Do we really want to sell our kitchen, fellowship hall, and chapel to the money changers? For several years now we have not been financially responsible with God’s money.