Let's Think Together about Church

by Scott Hovey on September 07, 2023

 I want to invite you to do some thinking with me. 

Let’s think together about church. There is so much in popular media today about the future of the church… and the rise of the nones- those who claim no religious affiliation. 

•   Is the church still relevant? 
•   Does the church still provide a service? 
•   What is the purpose of church, anyway?

Beginning this Sunday, our thinking together will revolve around a sermon series called, “The Nature and Purpose of the Church.” I have created a plan of sermons to look at relevant Scriptures and to ask ourselves some questions to which we, perhaps, just assumed we all knew the answers. Maybe we do, maybe we don’t. 

Here are the upcoming sermons:

What is the Church?
September 10: The Foundation of the Church- 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
September 17 (Anniversary Sunday): The Ministry of the Church- Ephesians 2:11-22
September 24: The Future of the Church- Galatians 3:27-29

What does the Church do?
October 1 (World Communion Sunday): The Church Loves the World- Matthew 28:16-20
October 8: Scott Away: Guest Preacher: Ryan Clark, wood worker and former CBF Field Personnel
October 15: The Church Heals the Sick- Acts 3:1-11
October 22: The Church Tells the Truth- Matthew 18:15-20
October 29 (Reformation Sunday): The Church Extends Grace- Matthew 18:21-35

It is my hope that these sermons will be conversations. It is my hope that we will consider the mission and ministry of Northside Drive Baptist Church in light of these Scriptures and dream together about how we can continue to be a beacon of hope long into the future.

Scott Hovey |

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