Note from Jordan Clark

Posted November 02, 2023

At its October 22 Church in Conference meeting, our congregation voted to approve the 2024 budget proposed by the Finance Committee and unanimously approved by Church Council at its October 16 meeting. This proposed budget, which we acknowledge to be aspirational, is for $880,463, a 5.3% increase over 2023. 

2024 Budget

Fortunately, we have some new revenue sources in 2024 and the burden of raising money for the new budget does not fall entirely upon our congregation. Our goal is for our members to pledge and contribute $572,000 for 2024, a 3% increase over our 2023 budget. All members will be mailed pledge cards, and these cards will also be available in the sanctuary. One can also pledge by calling our business manager Rose Hidlay at (404) 237-8621 or mailing her at Northside Drive Baptist Church, 3100 Northside Drive, Atlanta 30305.

For the first time in a number of years NDBC is fully staffed and, thankfully, blessed with the resources that will allow us to invest in our future and grow our programs. Atlanta needs NDBC, and we at NDBC need each other. Please show us your support by thoughtfully reviewing your last pledge and considering what you can offer going forward. It is time to go ALL IN on our church and its ministry. If you did not pledge in the past, please join us in making a meaningful commitment as we affirm together our belief in our future. We need you!

There is excitement on the horizon at NDBC and we want every member of the congregation to be a part of it. Please join us. Thank you.

Jordan Clark
Finance Committee Chair


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