Order Poinsettias Deadline | December 8

In keeping with a long-time Northside Drive tradition, we will display poinsettias in our sanctuary from Gaudete Sunday, December 17th through Christmas Eve. We invite everyone to donate a poinsettia in honor /memory of friends or loved ones or in thankfulness for a meaningful event or person in your life.
The cost per poinsettia is $20, and you can participate by enclosing a check to Northside Drive Baptist Church in a special order envelope found in the sanctuary and dropping it in an offering plate or by calling or emailing Flower Team Chair Virginia Gilbert at 770 617 1809 or Please write "poinsettia" in the memo line of the check.
After either service on December 24, you are welcomed to take your poinsettia(s) home. The deadline to order is Friday, December 8.
*Please note that U.S. tax regulations do not allow NDBC to offer contribution credit for this purchase, because the plants are returned to the giver.
Thank you for your donations.
The Flower Team
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