Save the Dates!

Join us after church this Sunday to get to know Sadaf Erastus, our ministry intern. Sadaf and her kids, Ozora and Enoch, are from Karachi, Pakistan. She is currently a student at McAfee School of Theology studying to be a pastor. Come and hear what it is like to be a Christian in a mostly Muslim country. A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP to the church office at or 404-237-8621.
Lent is Coming!
Lent is a time of penitence and inward reflection that prepares our hearts for the joy of Easter. Although not found in the Bible, the church began practicing Lent fairly early as a way to gain clarity about our need for a savior and our need for forgiveness. During Lent, we remove all ‘alleluias’ from worship and our tone turns somber and introspective. While the Lenten journey is long (40 days), it doesn’t last forever, as we anticipate the joy and glorious celebration of Easter morning!
Mardi Gras Pancake Lunch
This year we will mark the beginning of Lent with a "Fat Tuesday" meal on Sunday, March 2, after church. Fat Tuesday (or Mardi Gras) is a time to empty the house of ‘rich’ foods as we prepare for the austerity of Lent. At our "Fat Tuesday on Sunday" meal we will enjoy pancakes and bacon in the Fellowship Hall.
Ash Wednesday
Our Ash Wednesday Service will be on March 5 at 6:30 PM (note the change in time) in the Sanctuary. This is a meaningful service that reminds us of our mortality and our brokenness.
Lenten Devotional
We invite you to join us in reading Hope is Here! by Candler School of Theology professor emeritus Luther Smith. We will gather each Wednesday in Lent (beginning March 12) at 6:00 PM at church for a time of discussion and reflection. Copies of the book will be available at church beginning this Sunday. The cost is $10.
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