South Africa Update

Posted by Scott Hovey on February 22, 2024

South Africa ended apartheid in 1994, a world-wide victory for human rights and freedom. Since that time, the country of South Africa has struggled to transform that victory into dignity and prosperity for all. 

Heather and I have just returned from a week of ministry in South Africa, and I struggle to put it into words. 

What we saw was a nation of great contrasts. It is a country of indescribable beauty but rampant segregation. It is a country of rich resources but deep income inequality. It is a country of beautiful diversity but crippling corruption.

In the metropolis of Johannesburg, we learned the tragic story of babies abandoned at an alarming rate and the ministries dedicated to rescuing them. We learned about ‘baby boxes’ and ‘baby houses’ and villages designed to raise and educate these children.

In the townships we learned about the effects of unemployment and despair, a combination that leads to crime and violence. We learned about ministries offering skills workshops- teaching computers, sewing and other marketable trades. We learned about healthcare workers serving a population rife with HIV/AIDS and TB. 

We learned about faithfulness in the most extreme situations, persistent hope in the face of frightening odds. We learned a new level of hope.

And what we learned, changed us. It gave us a glimpse of what is possible when one stands courageously in faith. It widened our world, broke our hearts, and taught us that we are indeed connected with sisters and brothers around the world. 

In the months to come, Heather and I will continue to share what we learned. Our hope is that your hearts, like ours, will come to be bound together with the global poor, God’s beloved children around the world. 

Scott Hovey | scott


Mary J Dean, DMin, LMFT Feb 22, 2024

Thank you, Scott and Heather. I appreciate so much the first-hand testimony of what you exerienced. It brings me closer to walking with you all, as you described the depth of struggle and sadness. We are all grateful to have you as pastor at NDBC.

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