Touching Taliaferro with Love Reflection

by Hartwell Dew on July 04, 2024

A few weeks ago marked my first trip to Touching Taliaferro with Love (TTWL). While I have been aware of our church’s work there for many years, having the first-hand experience expanded my appreciation of this mission.

Any enterprise requires capital, management, and labor to function. Our church members through our operating budget provided the capital (money). Seasoned veterans of TTWL like Barbara Atchley, Susan Dew, Virginia Gilbert, Susan Harlan and Letty Konenkamp provided the management, as well as much of the labor. My contribution, along with that of several others, was completely labor.

I was assigned to “Recreation” in the gym which was led by Letty. My job was to play games with the campers. It was like playing with my grandchildren. Kickball, whiffle ball, basketball, corn hole, parachute, and bowling with very wobbly pins. Not every camper wanted to play the same game, so we divided and conquered. Encouraging reluctant participants and seeing them enjoy success was very satisfying. In recreation we didn't mention Jesus or God. That was done in other sessions. We met the children where they were, loved them, and had fun together. 

During the week it was heartwarming to see the campers hugging our veteran staff. By the end of the week, I even got a few hugs myself.

I’m sure the “management” would appreciate help in planning TTWL for next year, but as a representative of “labor”, please join us. You’ll not regret having worked. There was lots of love given and received at TTWL. I know I was a net recipient of the love. Hopefully Barbara will allow me back next year. 

Hartwell Dew

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