Welcome to Lent

Posted by Scott Hovey on March 06, 2025

The season of Lent began yesterday on Ash Wednesday. Here are some of the words I shared…

“The season of Lent begins today. We are given the next 40 days to contemplate the ways that our
world is not what it should be. To consider the ways we are not as we could be. The focus on sin
and brokenness during Lent is not to generate feelings of guilt. It is not to poke open wounds. To
focus on sin and brokenness during Lent is simply to speak honestly and truthfully about what we
already know: that things are not as they should be, not as God intended them to be.”

Beginning this Sunday, you will notice a few changes in our worship. We are leaving out the Introit
and the Passing of the Peace . Our Confession of Sin will be more robust, and our tone will turn
somber. For the next six weeks we will refrain from ‘alleluias’ but instead create room for inward
reflection and introspection.

Lent will begin in the wilderness with Jesus as we consider Luke 4:1-13. My sermon is entitled, “A
Long Obedience in the Same Direction.”

Our Lenten devotionals will begin next Wednesday (March 12) at 6:00 PM. We will read and
discuss the book Hope is Here! by Luther Smith. On Wednesday, we will discuss chapters 1 and 2. We will meet in the Art and Soul room. We will
offer a virtual option through Microsoft Teams. Contact me if you are interested in the virtual option.
More copies of the book will be available this Sunday. The cost is $10.

Scott Hovey

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